Today was a Saturday, which means we had no class. Many people went on a weekend trip to Budapest, Prague, or Salzburg, but I decided to stay in Vienna and explore the city more because it was our last weekend here. Jennifer and I didn’t have a plan for the day, but we just Kind of walked around and admired the city. We did end going to see the Hotel Imperial though. This is a five-star hotel located on the Ringstrasse where many famous and infamous people have stayed there, such as Adolf Hitler during the Anschluss in 1938. The hotel didn’t look that great from the outside, but when I walked into the lobby I was amazed. The decorations were very high-class and expensive. I wish that I could have spent some more time in there, but Jennifer and I got the feeling that the hotel employees were annoyed with us just walking around the lobby and gawking at the decorations, so we left shortly after we arrived. After visiting the hotel, we just went for a walk around Karlsplatz and Schwarzenbergplatz. I don’t know where we ended up after that though because we got majorly lost for a little bit. I thought that I knew how to get us to Stadtpark from where we were without looking at the map, but apparently I didn’t. We eventually found it, but by that time it was raining and we were tired from walking around the empty streets in the neighborhood we got lost in, so we went home for the day to just hang out. When we were walking around in front of Karlskirche though, I noticed that there were many skateboarders and bikers doing tricks. I guess that they have a large skating community here just as they do in the U.S., but I was thinking how lucky they are to be skating around in all of the beautiful locations here in Vienna, instead of at a skate park across the street from a fast food joint in the U.S. It must be very cool to grow up in a city like this one.
The next day was a pretty relaxed day as well. The only really substantial thing I did was visit the Judisches Museum in Stephansplatz. For some reason, I thought that the museum would be focused on the Holocaust, but there were barely any displays on that subject. The first room of the museum displays many articles and pieces relating to the Jewish faith, such as Menorahs used during Hanukkah and Torah mantles. Each piece had a description that explained what it was and how it was used. The bulk of the museum was filled with paintings and photographs that were from prominent Austrian-Jewish artists. Since I am not a very artsy person, this section of the museum didn’t really appeal to me, but I did enjoy the sport section of the museum. One room was filled with pictures and descriptions of the many members of the Hakoah, which is Jewish sports club that was founded in 1909 in Vienna. Many different sports were included in the Hakoah, and many famous Austrian sportsmen emerged from the group. The club was dissolved in 1938 after the National Socialists seized power, but it was reformed after the war. I also really liked the hologram room, which allowed us to learn more about the Jewish history of Vienna by looking at holograms of important objects and people related to the topic.
After visiting the museum, Jennifer took me to the Turkish neighborhood that she lived in for 4 months while she was trying to immigrate to the United States from Iran. She took me to a peaceful park that she used to hang out at and we also walked around a bit. I thought this was a good trip because it allowed me to see a part of Vienna that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise.
After visiting her old neighborhood, Jennifer and I decided to ride the tram around the Ringstrasse so that we could admire all of the different types of architecture lining the street. The Ringstrasse was originally built when the wall surrounding the main part of the city was ordered to be torn down by Emperor Franz Joseph in 1857. The boulevard was lined with many important and beautiful buildings that were meant to show off the Habsburg grandeur. Some of the buildings located on or near the Ringstrasse are Parliament, Rathaus(city hall), the Burgtheater, the University of Vienna, Votivkirche, Hofburg Palace, the Kuntshistorisches and Naturhistorisches Museums, Stadtpark, the Hotel Imperial, and the Opera House. While riding on the tram I noticed the many different types of architecture used for each of these buildings. Parliament was built in a neo-Romanesque style, while the Rathaus was more in a neo-Gothic style. The Burgtheater was built in the Italian-Renaissance style, and the Votivskirche was built in the neo-Gothic style (it looks a lot like Stephansdom). Also lining the Ringstrasse are a few modern looking buildings and some other banks and such that are building using the typical Baroque style. I personal like the neo-Romanesque and the neo-Gothic styles the best, so the Parliament building and Rathaus are my favorite buildings on the Ringstrasse.
The German word of the day for the 24th is es geht, meaning “it’s okay”.
The German word of the day for the 23rd is wegen, which means “because of”.